The Winery
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The Winery

Our small family run estate is located in Southern Tuscany where the hills of the Maremma meet the slopes of Mount Amiata. We’re close to the beautiful medieval hamlet of Porrona in the municipality of Cinigiano.

These hills look back on a long farming history and the area’s mild climate assures perfect grape maturation and ideal conditions for winegrowing. The Fabiani vineyards are located in Montecucco DOC territory, the southern neighbour of the Brunello di Montalcino production area.

The estate is made up of 17,5 hectares:

  • two and a half hectares of vineyard with vines of ca. 50 years of age. Vine training: doppio capovolto toscano (Tuscan double bend);
  •  half a hectare with vines of ca. 15 years of age. Vine training cordone speronato unilaterale (single spur cordon);
  •  one hectar with 200 olive trees, among them some examples of centenary Olivastre trees;
  •  two hectares of forest and 13 hectares of arable land;

The Fabiani family has produced its own wine for three generations, but only since 2015 are red wine Giano and white wine Fontenasso ( now named Due Fonti) commercially available. The winery produces quality wines known for the following characteristics:

  •  multi-varietal vines with a median age of thirty years;
  • manual labour only in the vineyard;
  • production of natural wines which undergo fermentation without the addition of yeasts;

The winery is a member of FIVI (Federazione Italiana Vignaioli Indipendenti) and adheres to the guidelines of this independent vintner association which preserve terroir, local traditions and foster the the vigneron’s experience during the winemaking process.

Our extra virgin olive oil is produced along the same lines and focuses on the protection of our multi-cultivar olive grove and its centenary olive trees. Pruning and olive picking are carried out manually. We only use natural fertilizers and abstain from the use of herbicides.


Our Vineyards

The Fabiani Winery farms one and a half hectares of vineyards, which have been implanted decades ago according to the multi-varietal approach of Tuscan wine making.

Wine Tasting

Every step in the winemaking process is carried out carefully with the aim to produce unique natural wines which best express the qualities of the particular vines and soil they grow on. Book a tasting!

The Olive Groves

Traditional Tuscan varieties guarantee the high quality of our extra virgin olive oil.

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